Page 19 - oaps_album_2013

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Student: Kai-wing YIP; Supervisor: Dr. Victor Chung-sing LEE
Kai-wing YIP has developed a car park reservation system which can lead to a
win-win situation for both drivers and car park operators. Drivers can reserve
a parking space in advance via their mobile devices, thereby saving time and
fuel to search and wait for one near the destination. Car park operators can
increase the profit margin by maximizing utilization of parking spaces. The
system also relieves the traffic congestion and air pollution by reducing the
number of vehicles moving around to search for available parking spaces. This
is an interesting project demonstrating his strong technical skills and ability to
realize the business concept and workflow in a computer application.
Student: Yuan ZHUANG; Supervisor: Dr. Lam-for KWOK
Yuan ZHUANG developed an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) for Sudoku on a
mobile platform, in which a player can receive dynamic instructions according
to the current state of the game and the skill level of the player. Instructions
are given in terms of the strategies available to the player instead of simply
providing an answer. The player can also change the preference and orders
of the strategies to receive more opportunities in applying the chosen strategy.
She is highly motivated in searching for new approaches and solutions for
improving the performance of the ITS. This is a nice project demonstrating good
understanding and application of the ITS in game-based learning.
Professor Sam Tak-wu KWONG
Head and Professor of Department of Computer Science