Page 15 - oaps_album_2013

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Shirley Tsin-yi PANG: “Functional Semantic Study of Spoken Discourse
from Osho”
Supervisor: Professor Jonathan WEBSTER
Congratulations, Shirley, on the outstanding work you did for your “Functional
Semantic Study of Spoken Discourse from Osho”. Applying systemic-functional
theory in your analysis of Osho’s discourse, you demonstrated how this
approach helps achieve a better understanding of how a text comes to mean.
Your commitment to excellence in research sets a good example for all to follow.
Vanlee Tsz-yan LEE: “Slips of the Tongue in Cantonese - Lexical Blends
and Substitutions”
Supervisor: Dr. Ben LI
We make errors in speaking and we laugh at these slips of the tongue. Apart
from the humorous nature, slips of the tongue have also attracted linguists’
attention. This project attempted at a glimpse into the underlying mechanism
of how we plan our speech as well as how we organize our vocabulary, by
documenting and analyzing slips of the tongue made by Cantonese speakers.
In two months’ “eavesdropping”, Tsz-yan collected dozens of speech errors.
She classified them into different types according to the potential causes, and
explained her classification under the framework of current models in the field.
Her findings suggest that lemmas are the link between concepts and forms, and
they are organized in the lexicon on meaning. Moreover, Tsz-yan also compared
the speech errors she discovered in Cantonese with those in English. Similar
patterns suggest that there are certain universality in formation and motivation
of slips, as well as the general mechanism underlying speech production.
Ka-yuen LEUNG: “Chinese Character Processing byAdult Native Speakers
– Recognition and Memorization”
Supervisor: Dr. Ben LI
Chinese is logographic and this special writing system has long been capturing
researchers’ interests on how characters are recognized and understood. The
project attempted an innovative perspective to the understanding of related
issues. Ka-yuen reviewed previous literature and analyzed methodologies